At eDental, a lot of our patients start out needing emergency dentistry and cycle through to preventative dentistry and general dentistry after we have taken care of their problem at our Perth dental practice. One of the concepts we try to teach everyone is that good dental health doesn’t happen by luck or by accident. It is something that almost anyone can attain the correct habits.
Here are the Important Ones:
Brush Twice a Day
Using a soft-bristle or an electric toothbrush, brush twice a day. Not only does it help keep tooth decay at bay, but it’s also great for your breath, too.
Floss The Right Way For Healthy Gums and Teeth
We know flossing isn’t on everyone’s list of favourite things to do, but flossing is almost as important as brushing for preventing cavities. Flossing reaches areas between the teeth that a brush won’t hit. Your gums will love flossing too.
Drink Plenty of Water
Drinking a lot of water every day helps rinse sugars and acids off of your teeth. It can also help you produce saliva, which is one of the ways your body protects your teeth. But mostly, if you are drinking water, you aren’t drinking an acidic drink or a sugary drink that is eating into your enamel and causing tooth decay.
Don’t Smoke
Smoking stains your teeth and is bad for your breath. We all know that it also comes with other health risks. What many don’t know is that it promotes tooth decay.
If You Have Dentures
If you have full or partial dentures, make sure to clean them every day. Also, take them out before you go to bed at night. This will help gum health. It can also keep you from grinding them on the natural teeth you may have left.
Regular Dentist Visits
If you can do everything we have suggested for self-care, you are on the right path towards keeping your mouth and teeth healthy. But it doesn’t end there. You need regular dental checkups and cleanings at least twice a year.
To learn more about oral hygiene or to set an appointment with one of our caring Dentists, then call us today on 1300 467 112 and we can happily assist you.