We provide a full range of dental health services for our patients in the Perth area. We also try to educate our patients on the importance of regular dental care and good oral hygiene. We all know about regular brushing and flossing. We all know about avoiding sugar, but it is more easily said than done.
Luckily, there are some foods you can add to your diet that are fun to eat and drink and help keep your mouth healthy. While keeping refined sugar in the form of treats and sugary drinks out of your mouth is a great start, there are also choices you can make that affect oral health from the inside out, due to their nutritional values. Here are some great choices you can start making today.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is great for oral health. It can help protect the tissues in the gums from infection and from cellular damage. Vitamin C also helps your body produce collagen. This can help keep your gums strong. Oranges, tomatoes, strawberries and other fruits are the best sources of Vitamin C. Avoid orange juice, though: it is acidic and has a lot of sugar. That makes it bad for your enamel and produces a higher risk for cavities.
Cheese, low-fat milk and yoghurt are storehouses for Vitamin D and calcium. These help keep your teeth and bones strong, which reduces the risk of losing your teeth. Calcium also helps your body fight periodontal disease, while Vitamin D helps your body absorb the calcium you eat more efficiently.
Raw Fruits and Vegetables
Raw, crisp fruits and vegetables can help clean plaque off of your teeth. They also freshen your breath. These include apples, peppers, carrots and celery. Leafy green vegetables such as spinach and broccoli help promote cell growth and repair.
Drink Plenty of Water and Tea
Water helps produce saliva, which is your body’s defense against tooth decay. Tea has polyphenols that help fight bacteria in the mouth.
To learn more or for an appointment, call us today: (08) 9361 1728.