Dental implants are a common and safe cosmetic dentistry procedure. We have performed hundreds of them in our Perth dental practice. They are the best way to duplicate the performance of real teeth for most patients. Thanks to a new invention from right here in Australia, they may become even safer than they already are.
The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) collaborated with microbiologists from Monash University to make a coating using prebiotic compounds on the surfaces of implants. This makes the implants less prone to rejection and infection.
Prebiotic molecules were discovered several years ago, but predate civilisation by billions of years. It has recently been discovered that these molecules can be used on implants to modify their surfaces and make them safer and more reliable.
Surface modification is used in a number of areas, including solar panels and medical implants. This simple aqueous coating is promising because it is both versatile and robust, making it appropriate over a wide range of substrate materials.
The process, called aminomalononitrile polymerisation, has been found to be a successful technique for coating a “wide range of organic and inorganic substrate materials” when carried out in buffered aqueous solutions. Cells can grow on the coating because it is biofriendly. The result is a coating that is adhesive, non-toxic and will coat a wide range of materials.
Better news: since most of the materials are already in existence, the coating will be cost-effective.
What Does it Mean to Cosmetic Dentistry at eDental Perth?
Since the coating is still in the development stage, we obviously don’t have it yet, but we do provide state of the art cosmetic dentistry, right in our office. At eDental Perth, we provide a full menu of services, from emergency dentistry to preventative dentistry to all forms of general dentistry. We are an eco-friendly office and we treat our patients like they were members of our own families.
To learn more or to make an appointment, call eDental today: (08) 9361 1728.