Of all the Perth dentists, only a few are committed to what is known as “green dentistry.” Green dentistry is also known as “eco-dentistry,” which benefits both the patient and the environment. We would like to explain how.

What is Green Dentistry?
Green dentistry is an approach that uses modern technology to lessen the effect of dentistry on the environment. It is based on a service model that helps maintain and support wellness for the patient. Not only does it lessen the effects of dental services on the environment, but it also helps us provide our Perth clientele with healthy, non-toxic choices for the materials that are put in their mouths.
How Does It work?
At eDental, we have gone digital. All of our patient information is stored on the computer. This saves a lot of paper. In addition, we recycle everything we possibly can in our practice. We have also initiated procedures that create as little waste as possible and have as small a carbon footprint as possible.
We also ensure that every single facet of our operation has been tweaked for the lowest possible environmental impact. In addition, every substance we use for dental services such as fillings, veneers, dentures and dental implants is the safest and most environmentally friendly possible. This not only reduces the impact on the environment but helps keep our patients radiantly healthy, too.
The End Result
Eco-dentistry reduces waste and pollution. It saves energy and water. This helps us conserve our valuable natural resources in the Perth area. We are always looking for cutting-edge, high-tech solutions. This provides better service for our patients.
Most of all, it allows us and our patients to be part of a growing community of those who are trying to leave our planet in better shape than it was when we “found” it.
To learn more about eco-dentistry and the dental services we provide at E-Dental, call our Perth office today: 1300 467 112