If you are pregnant, it is important to take care of your teeth and gums. You should see a dentist for check-ups and cleaning appointments. For some, it can be stressful and overwhelming because of the changes in their bodies. Here are some tips on when to see a dentist when pregnant.
When to See a Dentist When Pregnant?
Pregnant women should see their dentists regularly for check-ups and cleaning appointments.
Experts recommend that women have a dental examination and cleaning during the second trimester of pregnancy or as soon as possible if they have not been seen recently.
If you are pregnant and experience any dental problems, such as toothache, gum disease, or tooth decay, see your dentist as soon as possible. Your dental health is indeed important to your overall health and well-being.
What Happens When You Don’t See Your Dentist?
Tooth decay can lead to gum infection and severe pain. If left untreated, it can cause problems during pregnancy and delivery. Pregnant women with gum disease are more likely to have babies born early or have a low birth weight.
Pregnant women with gum disease are also more likely to have complications, such as preeclampsia. Preeclampsia is a condition that can occur during pregnancy and is marked by high blood pressure and protein in the urine.
How Often You Should See Your Dentist?
You should see your dentist every six months for a check-up and cleaning. If you have any dental problems, see your dentist as soon as possible. Habits formed during pregnancy, such as vomiting during the early stages, and different food cravings can also ruin your teeth. Thus, you should see your dentist regularly for extra care.
Why You Should See Your Dentist When Pregnant?
Pregnant women need to put their oral health first. It is important for your overall health, but it can also help you avoid complications during pregnancy.
As mentioned earlier, preeclampsia is a serious condition in pregnant women with gum disease. This condition is marked by high blood pressure and protein in the urine. Preeclampsia can lead to premature birth, low birth weight, and even stillbirth.
Cerebral palsy is a condition that affects movement and muscle tone. It is caused by damage to the brain, usually before or during birth. Research has also shown that pregnant women with gum disease are more likely to have babies with cerebral palsy.
There is no known treatment for cerebral palsy. Still, if a child is diagnosed and treated early, they have a better chance of living an ordinary life.
Pregnant women need to see their dentist regularly so that any dental problems can be found and treated early.
Seeing a Dentist While Pregnant Conclusion
Your dental health is important to your overall health and well-being. Pregnant women need to see their dentist regularly for check-ups and cleanings. See your dentist as soon as possible if you happen to experience any dental problems, such as toothache, gum disease, or tooth decay. With your dentist in Perth, WA, you can help ensure a healthy pregnancy for you and your baby.