Have you recently had a tooth extraction and are experiencing mild or intense bleeding? More often than not, a dentist will provide medical solutions post-care after tooth extraction. However, what should you do if the bleeding doesn’t subside?
Several home remedies help stop bleeding after extraction, including tea bags. The question, however, is, do tea bags stop bleeding after extraction? Find out below.
Does Tea Bag Stop Bleeding?
Yes, it does. Most dentists add tea bags to the care kits they give patients after tooth extraction. Bleeding is normal after tooth extraction or any dental treatment, even though some patients tend to bleed more than others. It is a major part of the healing process, after which a blood clot forms over the extraction site. The use of tea bags for bleeding tooth extraction is popular in oral surgery to stop bleeding.
How Does a Tea Bag Stop Bleeding?
Green and black tea contain tannins, which are natural chemicals found in caffeinated tea. The tannins contribute to the tea’s bitter flavour.
The tannins in green or black tea that has caffeine have astringent capabilities and stimulate further blood clotting. Caffeine, together with tannic acid, is known to shrink open capillaries and reduce swelling.
Black tea and a few green tea selections contain tannins that promote blood coagulation or clotting that actively stops bleeding. The astringent element of tannins causes blood vessels to shrink. In addition, tannins are also anti-septic and can kill bacteria, making them useful in preventing infections after extraction.
The pressure you place on the teabag when you bite it down functions as a band-aide. It absorbs some saliva and blood and generally protects the affected areas.
How to Stop Bleeding and Use Tea After Extraction?
1. Soak the tea bag in hot water for about 60-90 seconds. Black tea is the most viable option since it may contain more tannins than its alternatives
2. Let the tea bag cool slightly while squeezing out some water
3. Place the teabag on the extraction site
4. Bite on it gently for about five minutes or more, depending on how intense the bleeding is. The pressure helps to form a blood clot on the site, which then stops bleeding.
Alternative Post-Care after Tooth Extraction
Ordinarily, a dentist recommends a few post-care tips to help with general recovery. These include:
- Take the Medicine as Prescribed
- Bite on the Gauze Placed by the Dentist Until Bleeding Reduces or Stops
- Put an Ice Pack to Reduce any Swelling
- Eat Plenty of Soft, Healthy Foods
- Keep the Extraction Site Clean at all Times. You can do this by Gently Rinsing your Mouth with Warm Salty Water or as Directed
- Drink Plenty of Fluids
- Most Importantly, Get Plenty of Rest to Speed up Recovery.
Bottom line on tea bags for tooth extraction bleeding
Proper after-care is advisable after a tooth extraction to speed up recovery and manage the usual normal effects like bleeding and swelling. Proper diet and hygiene are among the leading after-care tips you should implement.
In addition, if you notice any bleeding, which is almost inevitable, bite the gauze as directed by your Perth dentist. An alternative is to bite on a tea bag for bleeding tooth extraction containing special chemicals that form a clot and stop bleeding.