Everyone wants to have an attractive smile. Besides facial symmetry, teeth are also vital in the impression-making process and in enhancing an aesthetic appeal. Teeth gaps are common among more individuals due to genetic or hereditary factors.
While some individuals find the gaps unique and appealing, others usually prefer getting rid of them. Porcelain veneers are the best alternatives despite the numerous options available to help you fill the teeth gap. Nevertheless, before considering the options, it’ll be vital to consult a qualified dental expert to guide you to the right procedure.
Let’s look at the different treatment options you can use to fill your teeth gap.
Dental Options for Filling Gaps in Teeth
Invisalign Braces
Experts recommend Invisalign braces to mature patients with an established dental hygiene program to fill their gaps. The braces have clear aligners offering a more discrete approach to straightening the teeth. The numerous benefits and proper design make the method suitable for older teenagers and adults.
These braces offer a special form of orthodontic treatment to help you fill the gaps resulting from crooked teeth. You don’t have to strain using metal braces when using the method. The procedure uses clear aligners to offer particular teeth straightening action. Furthermore, the procedure will work best if you have numerous gaps in your teeth.
Dental Bonding
Dental bonding is a beneficial oral process that involves your dental expert inserting or applying a coat of resin on the affected side of your teeth. The dentist applies the coat to increase the teeth’s surface area and widen them. The main benefit of using this technique is that the dentist can provide immediate treatment.
Despite the numerous benefits the procedure comes with, dental bonding comes with various drawbacks you must consider. The resin resistance may become discoloured despite being stain-resistant. Furthermore, the coats may not be solid like the natural teeth. However, they’re the best options for filling a large tooth gap or diastema.
Dental Implants
While some gaps may be small, other individuals usually have too large tooth gaps. With the other procedure unable to fill the larger spaces, a dental implant will provide the appropriate solution. Dental experts advise that you place dental implants in the spaces to solve the issue.
Dental Veneers
Most experts consider dental veneers as the most effective and appropriate way to fill teeth gaps. Veneers are tooth-like covers that the dentist places over the affected teeth. These covers make the teeth stronger and address various aesthetic concerns. The covers addresses concerns like:
- Chipped, cracked, or broken teeth
- Damaged or deformed teeth
- Discoloured teeth
- Small teeth
Dental Bonding Vs. Veneers Comparison
Experts reveal that the bigger size of the restoration and the ability to cover the entire tooth makes the dental veneers advantageous over bonding. When using dental bonding, the resin-bonded pieces may fall off due to excessive force, while dental veneers usually use dental cement to bond to the tooth, making it hard to come off.
Nevertheless, porcelain veneers usually resemble natural teeth, which makes them extremely strong. The light reflection mechanism, resistance to stains, and matching with the natural teeth’s colour makes them suitable for long-term uses.
Studies show that dental veneers may last approximately 25 years with proper maintenance and care. Remember, this treatment option usually presents effective and more natural-looking results to composite resin bonding.
Experts recommend Porcelain veneers to patients with diastema. The alternative works better for too-large gaps, allowing the dentist to enhance the surface area between the front teeth. Due to their natural-looking appearance, individuals can’t notice them as they usually resemble natural teeth.
Orthodontics vs. Dental Veneers Comparison
Orthodontics may not be necessary if you’ve got relatively straight teeth and the gap doesn’t cause teeth misalignment. Remember, wearing clear aligners or braces may take more time (six months to three and half years) to make your crooked teeth straight.
In contrast, the porcelain veneers straighten crooked teeth in just a few visits to the experts. Most experts recommend orthodontic braces when the teeth gap results from crooked teeth or you’ve got numerous gaps in the mouth.
Options for Filling Gaps in Teeth Wrapping Up
Dental implants, bonding, veneers, and Invisalign braces are the most effective options for filling gaps in your teeth. However, it’ll be wise to consult your dentist before choosing the appropriate treatment options. The dental expert will explain the different advantages and drawbacks of the different methods. Choosing the right method will guarantee long-term solutions to filling your teeth gap.